Your item/items will be shipped within 2 business days. We know you don't want to wait, so we will do our best to ship out by next business day.
We only ship within the United States.
All orders are shipped on business days.
Your item/items ship from Indiana with a tracking number provided to you.
Buyers Should be of 18 years of age or older to purchase and/or handle knives from Bee Free Outdoors. Some items listed on this website may be illegal in your area for possession by those under 21. It is your responsibility to check all local laws concerning the ownership, use and possession of any item on this website. By placing an order, you agree that you are of legal age, that you have read our terms & conditions, and that you take full responsibility for obeying all federal, state and local laws, restrictions, and regulations.
You may return any unused non custom item (in its original packaging) with 30 days of purchase for a full refund of the purchased price. We will not accept any item returned after 30 days. Your return must be returned with your email confirmation or packing list from your original order.
Do not return an item for a warranty issue as those will be handled directly through the manufacturer of the item.