Order with confidence!! Amazing customer service is our top priority, if for any reason you are not happy, please send us a message in the contact section of the website. Or call or text us at 317-683-0229.
Buyers in the state of Indiana will be charged a 7% sales tax.
Buyers Should be of 18 years of age or older to purchase and/or handle knives from Bee Free Outdoors. Some items listed on this website may be illegal in your area for possession by those under 21. It is your responsibility to check all local laws concerning the ownership, use and possession of any item on this website. By placing an order, you agree that you are of legal age, that you have read our terms & conditions, and that you take full responsibility for obeying all federal, state and local laws, restrictions, and regulations.
Please see the page under >> About >>Auto knife laws. This page will show a map of states that may prohibit automatic knives. But as always check your local laws to determine exact rules.
We reserve the right to cancel an order or issue a full refund on paid orders for the following:
1. Ordering a product that will ship to an area that is restricted. Again, please check restrictions under >> About >> Auto knife Laws.
Thank you for your business!!
Bee Free Outdoors will not share your information with any third party. Protecting and safeguarding our customers information is a top priority.

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